Overall responsibility for the running of the Salespeople’s Charity rests with the Board, details of which can be found here.
The Trustees are responsible for:
Ensuring the charity carries out its purposes for the public benefit
Complying with the SPC’s governing document and charity laws and any other laws applicable to the SPC
Acting in the SPC’s best interest, avoiding conflict of interest, and making balanced decisions considering both the short and long term
Managing the SPC’s resources responsibly and prudently, avoiding financial and reputational risks
Acting with reasonable care and skill, seeking professional advice appropriately
Ensuring accountability across all activities and compliance with statutory accounting and reporting requirements
Safeguarding the assets of the charity, through taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities.
Decisions regarding management issues, policies, and changes to rules can only be proposed and voted on at full Board meetings.
We actively encourage those with field sales experience to join the Salespeople’s Charity but are also keen to hear from others with different skill sets and experience. Eg, Marketing, Financial, IT, Social Welfare, etc
Prospective Trustees meet with the Charity Manager who provides an insight into how the Charity conducts its operations before being invited to attend a Board Meeting.
If an invitation to join the Board is issued and accepted by the prospective Trustee, he or she will be elected onto the Board for a period of five years, after which time, the Trustee is required to stand down, but can immediately stand for re-election without nomination.
An existing Board member mentors all new Trustees and a full induction is provided with training offered as required.
If you would like to enquire about becoming a Trustee of the Salespeople’s Charity, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Charity Information
The key information relating to the governance of the Charity is summarised below:
Charity number: 1171272
Charity offices:
PO Box 366
PL12 9BA
Charity Commission
You can view information relating to us on the Charity Commission’s website ; please use our Charity Number (1171272) to search for our details.
Annual Report and Accounts
To receive a copy of our latest Annual Report and Accounts, please contact the office on 0203 488 4888