How You Can Help

If you would like to make a one-off donation to the Salespeople’s Charity, you can do so by sending a cheque payable to the Salespeople’s Charity to the following address:
PO Box 366
PL12 9BA
If you would like to know more about our work or how your donation might be used, please do not hesitate to contact us.

A legacy is an excellent way of supporting our work.
If you would like to donate in this way, we strongly recommend that you consult a legal adviser when making or changing your Will. If however you are writing your own Will or using a template to do this, the following wording may be useful:
Residual Legacy
A residual legacy is what remains after specific bequests to family and friends.
“I give to the Salespeople’s Charity of PO Box 366, Saltash, PL12 9BA, registered charity number 1171272 all (or…share)of the residue of my estate, free of duty and Capital Transfer tax, for the general purposes of the Trust and I declare that the receipt of the Treasurer or other proper officer of the Trust shall be good discharge for the same”.
For a Specific Legacy
This is a fixed sum of money, property, or another specific gift.
“I give to the Salespeople’s Charity of PO Box 366, Saltash, PL12 9BA, registered charity number 1171272 [*] free of duty and Capital Transfer tax, for the general purposes of the Trust and I declare that the receipt of the Treasurer or other proper officer of the Trust shall be good discharge for the same”.
* Insert here “the sum of £… (repeat in words)” or describe in detail the items bequeathed. In the case of a property, please include the full postal address.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about donating to the Salespeople’s Charity or would like to learn more about us.

The greatest contribution that you can make to the Salespeople’s Charity is to act as a Trustee.​
We actively encourage those with field sales experience to join the Salespeople’s Charity but are also keen to hear from others with different skill sets and experience. Eg, Marketing, Financial, IT, Social Welfare, etc
Trustees are requested to contact new applicants and existing beneficiaries within their immediate geographical area to assess how we might best support them.
Their subsequent report and proposal are then circulated to the Board of Trustees for consideration and once approved, the support is actioned.
Prospective Trustees meet with the Charity Manager who provides an insight into how the Charity conducts its operations before being invited to attend a Board Meeting.
If an invitation to join the Board is issued and accepted by the prospective Trustee, he or she will be elected onto the Board for a period of five years, after which time, the Trustee is required to stand down, but can immediately stand for re-election without nomination.
An existing Board member mentors all new Trustees and a full induction is provided with training offered as required.
If you would like to enquire about becoming a Trustee of the Salespeople’s Charity, please do not hesitate to contact us.
We would advise anyone who is interested in becoming a Trustee to view the Charity Commission’s website, where the role and responsibilities of a Charity Trustee are explained in detail.